Founded in November of 2000 under the direction of Jaylene Willhite, CYS is a non-profit organization for children ages nine to fifteen.
The Youth Symphony is divided into two performing groups, the Junior Symphony, consisting of 5th and 6th grade students, and the Concert Symphony consisting of 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students. CYS has four scheduled concerts per year, in addition we also perform for a variety of community events and activities including three out of the four Frontier Days Parades.
To provide an opportunity for string students in grades 5th - 9th to advance their technical and musical abilities through involvement in the group. Students will be exposed to a variety of musical styles, which will provide teaching tools to help each student improve their playing ability. Students will also learn to work together as an ensemble and feel an important part of the final outcome. The experience will provide students with the disciplines required to be a part of a professional music organization.